
参观报告英语作文? 小学生参观农场的意义?

mzthxx mzthxx 发表于2024-11-07 22:15:13 浏览8 评论0







I went to HangZhou in the summer holiday with my parents,which gave me lots of funs.When arriving there we were attracted with the beauties of Hangzhou.It is believed that Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful cities in China.So it is.We went to vist some nice gardens and boating in the lake.we impressed me most is that we successed in climing the mountian.We came back with happiness.That was a intresting trip.I will keep it in my memory for ever.


I have a relative who owns a tea plantation in the southern area of Taiwan. Once or twice a year I go to visit them for a holiday, and sometimes I help them collect tea leaves. A pound of tea is made of hundreds of dried tea leaves.

The Plant they come from is a small evergreen tree. Usually my relatives trim the trees so that they are only about three feet tall. When they are three years old, the tree are ready for the first picking.

Only the buds and the very young leaves are picked. Pickers carry baskets for the leaves as they walk along the rows. Picking is done several times a season. There are many kinds of tea. My relatives are busy all the year round.


Today we went to the farm. Good morning, starting at the school gate collection. Arriving at the farm received a warm welcome, make working with us to visit, see the crops and vegetables, we are pleased to noon at the outdoor picnic, after dinner we sing, dance, tell jokes, tell stories, play chess and so on. And farm workers to do the last to leave.






参观泰兴三馆 今天,我和爸爸一起游览了三馆(名人馆、城市规划馆、博物馆)。

    刚进门,我们便看见了用泥塑的几个人,他们有的在打白果,有的在做黄桥烧饼,雕刻的活灵活现的。  我和爸爸穿过了泥塑,便到了名人馆,在那里我认识了南宋四大诗人之一的尤袤,为革命军捐献五万元的辛亥元老朱履先、红色间谍沈安娜以及中国现代代文学家朱东润等人。    接着,我们参观完名人馆,径直往前走便来到了城市规划馆,城市规划馆分两层,第一层主要介绍泰兴的历史,游览完第一层后,我们上楼看了泰兴介绍片,二楼墙上展示着许多图片和资料,墙前面放着泰兴的布局结构模型,从中我了解到泰兴行政区域的划分和产业机构分布。泰兴的工业经济向一区四园方向集中,现代农业向一镇多园方向发展,现代服务业依三城(泰兴、黄桥、虹桥)发展的资料。    然后,我们来到了地下的泰兴博物馆,我在博物馆里见到了许多民国、清朝、元朝等朝代的文物,有字帖、麻将、花坛、碗等物,我不由的感叹泰兴历史悠久、文化博大进深。    最后,我和爸爸恋恋不舍的离开了三馆。




Hello,my dear Peter, Let me tell you something about our school. The school was build eighty years ago. Its campus is beautiful, with many trees and flowers. We have two very nice teaching buildings and one dormitory building.In addition, the school has excellent facilities, such as a new gym, a computer room and a large library. We also offer a lot of electives, such as painting, typing and cooking.

  Above all, there are many excellent teachers here. The classes are interesting, and the teachers are kind and helpful. I like our school, and hope you will like it.



